Sunday, October 20, 2013

National Economies

Photo snatched from the facebook group: "Leh We Talk". 
Sometimes, when I hear from my one and only news outlet, (the radio) people in other parts of the world grumbling that their economy is tough, things are hard, and bla bla bla, then like a flash of a lightening, I would get out of my house, stand akimbo, and looked at the sky and marveled at it beautiful stars: some so bright and shining, others not too bright and others very, very dim and some even invisible to the naked eyes and then I would begin to imagine some of the long queues we had overcome during the day:

The early morning queues leading to the latrines, the most disgusting of all the queues.

Friday, October 4, 2013

What a mysterious and seemingly imperfect world?!

What a mysterious and seemingly imperfect world?!
Sometimes, I just look at the world and perplex at it mysteries and its seeming imperfections.
A very mysterious and seemingly imperfect world that throws both pebbles and manna at its inhabitants.
And I oft said to myself: 'since this is it nature, as occupants, to be in harmony we must learn to escape when it chooses to throw pebbles at us, and we must learn to catch, when it throws manna at us'.